Off To The Zoo!

When was the last time you went to the zoo!?
For most of us, it's been many years since we last visited Wellington Zoo, but for some, going to the Zoo has never really been an option – So this was a very exciting outing for us and first time experience for some of our wāhine!
We arrived nice and early with our packed lunches and spent the whole day exploring all of the cool enclosures. We were all amazed at how many animals there were to see and to see how much the grounds had changed, for us that had been before – There's so much to do!
Although walking around the whole zoo was a bit challenging, at lunchtime the group picked a spot overlooking the city and enjoyed a lovely picnic in the sun, which was a great opportunity to rest, eat some good kai and catch up with each other on what they'd seen.
One of the highlights of the day was when we spent time at the ape enclosure, learning about the different roles in the group and the characteristics of each one. Watching the apes catch the bananas thrown to them was quite funny and the baby apes stole our hearts with their cuteness.
On reflection, the group wasn't very fond of the creepy crawlies and it would have been pretty awesome to have fed the animals. Maybe next time!
In the end, we all had a fantastic time and felt pretty lucky to have spent the day together. Some of our wāhine are already planning their next visit – we can't wait to make more memories!
Thank you to all of our donors, these W.A.L.K. activities and experiences wouldn't be possible without your support, they are very valuable to our wāhine.
Thank you Wellington Zoo for having us!