Who We Are
Ko wai tātau
Wellington Homeless Women’s Trust is a charity run by a board of devoted volunteers who provide transitional housing and individualised support services to homeless wāhine in the Wellington region.
Our vision is to reduce and avoid homelessness in the Wellington region by offering wāhine the support they need to change their situation.
Since our establishment in 2013, we’ve supported hundreds of wāhine through our programme. Thanks to the continued support from our donors and local agencies, we’re able to keep providing help to those in our community who really need it.

What We Do
Ā tātou mahi
We provide wāhine transitional accommodation with the aim of finding suitable and affordable housing for tenants so they can become independent.
Our intent is early intervention, to reduce and avoid the increase of homelessness by providing comprehensive support, every step of the way.
Te Whare Nukunoa is our inner-city sanctuary run by the Wellington Homeless Women’s Trust. It is a place for wāhine to call home while they get back on their feet.
Women who are referred to our sanctuary often struggle with historical trauma and complex issues, and have nowhere to call home. They come to us needing hands-on support and a safe environment to rebuild their lives.
Through our specialised programme, we work with community professionals and open up key networks to assist with their transition into independent housing, enhance their well-being and empower them with the tools to operate independently within their community.
During their stay, we advocate and support wāhine through the system by activating key partnerships to gain access to a variety of social services.

Supporting Our Wāhine
—Creating positive steps towards change
The women we support through our programme are offered individual help based on their specific needs and aspirations.
Te Whare Nukunoa offers the time and space for wāhine to work towards a healthier and more stable lifestyle. We ensure that each woman has access to the necessary support services, whether that is access to doctors, drug and alcohol treatment, mental and social health care.
On a daily basis, our staff help wāhine to set personal goals, and provide the education and support to meet those milestones.
Using a holistic model and a safe environment, our programme aims to stabilise, educate and advocate for women so they can create positive steps towards change.
Te Whare Nukunoa works in partnership with local agencies and experts working in the social services sector.